“The second mother of the singer’s child reveals that Portable has not seen his son for four months.”

“Street pop musician Portable’s second baby mama, Honey Berry, has accused him of neglecting their child for the past four months. She vented her frustration during an Instagram live session, alleging that Portable had been absent from their child’s life and attempted to create tension between her and his first wife, Bewaji, by only showcasing Bewaji on social media.

Honey Berry’s outburst was triggered by a commenter who mentioned Portable’s name, prompting her to reveal more about their situation. She criticized Portable, calling him a deadbeat, and cautioned the commenter to refrain from provoking her, or she might disclose further details.

Furthermore, Honey Berry disclosed that she was unaware of Portable’s marriage to Bewaji until she became pregnant. She argued that Portable had previously kept their relationship public until marrying Bewaji. Frustrated by having to rely on other men for financial support for their child, she urged Portable to fulfill his responsibilities and behave responsibly.”

“It’s not unexpected that the singer’s relationships with his partners are strained due to his evident preference for his first wife. Portable openly acknowledged this when he admitted that there’s a rivalry between his wives and baby mamas, with his first wife holding the top spot in his affections.

He also openly admitted to having more women in his life than he typically reveals. Drawing a parallel to a king, he justified his polygamous lifestyle by citing the tradition of kings having multiple wives.”

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