The Chief of Defence Staff pledges a robust response against bandits following the burial of 20 soldiers who lost their lives.

  • Post category:Insecurity

The National Military Cemetery in Abuja became a somber scene on Friday, with rows of coffins adorned with national flags and military gear. The mournful notes of a ceremonial bugle filled the air as families, friends, colleagues, and senior military officials gathered to bid farewell to 20 brave soldiers who recently lost their lives in active duty in Niger State.

The soldiers had been ambushed by what are now recognized as terrorists in Zungeru, Niger State, on August 13, resulting in the tragic deaths of 22 soldiers and injuries to seven others. Responding swiftly, an MI-171E helicopter from the Air Force was dispatched to evacuate the victims. Tragically, the helicopter crashed near Chukuba Village in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State, leading to the loss of all passengers, including the two pilots and two crew members.

The 20 soldiers laid to rest on Friday were victims of both the ambush and the subsequent helicopter crash, with the remaining casualties interred at other locations.

The mourners, many dressed in black attire, bore the weight of grief evident on their faces. The atmosphere remained solemn throughout the proceedings, intensified by heartfelt tributes paid to the fallen soldiers. As the caskets were lowered at precisely 2:04 pm, the dam of restrained tears broke, and grief flowed freely.

The ceremony was attended by prominent figures including the Minister of Defence, Muhammad Badaru; Minister of State for Defence, Bello Matawalle; Chief of Defence Staff, Gen Christopher Musa, service chiefs, and the governors of Kaduna and Niger states. The ministers laid wreaths to honor the fallen heroes.

Relatives of the deceased expressed the overwhelming pain of their loss. Chiroma Musa, a cousin of one of the fallen soldiers, shared that the tragic death of his cousin had shaken their family. Another relative, Enoch David, who lost his brother Alfred Seth, described the loss as devastating and underscored the family’s reliance on faith for solace. Naomi Abel lamented the loss of promising young military personnel in the country and called upon authorities to address the security situation more effectively.

Chief of Defence Staff, Gen Christopher Musa, pledged a resolute response to the bandits turned terrorists.

Meanwhile, the Chief of Defence Staff did not mince words in his remarks, as he gave an assurance that the death of the soldiers would be avenged.

Speaking at the event while expressing the nation’s gratitude to the families, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) conveyed a heartfelt tribute to the fallen heroes, acknowledging them as esteemed leaders and women of the Nigerian armed forces who made the ultimate sacrifice in safeguarding the country.

In his address, he expressed, “Today, we gather here with heavy hearts and tearful eyes to bid farewell to our fallen heroes, the remarkable figures and women in the armed forces of Nigeria who laid down their lives in defense of our nation. We stand here today to honor their bravery, dedication, and commitment to their duty. Their lives were abruptly taken from us while in the line of duty. We unite today not merely as grieving family members, friends, and colleagues, but as a nation bonded by grief.”

He hailed the fallen heroes as a testament to the highest ideals of service and protection for one’s nation. He referred to them as the defenders of peace, the custodians of freedom, and sentinels, emphasizing that their selflessness and unwavering commitment to the nation’s security would forever be etched in the memories of the nation.

He went on, “Today, we bid farewell to those who dedicated their lives to the noble cause of protecting our nation. They were individuals of honor, integrity, and extraordinary bravery. They embraced the call to serve, well aware of the perils that lay ahead. Yet, their commitment to safeguarding lives and property of our fellow citizens never wavered. These fallen heroes embodied a unique blend of physical and moral courage, confronting danger head-on.”

Each fallen soldier had a personal story, dreams, and a family eagerly awaiting their safe return. Their absence is deeply felt as sons, daughters, siblings, spouses, parents, and more. The CDS vowed that the sacrifices made by these heroes would not be in vain, promising that the troops would continue the fight against insecurity as a tribute to them.

Amidst the tragedy, the CDS emphasized that these heroes’ sacrifices have a lasting impact. They sacrificed their lives so that the nation could thrive in peace and security. They stood on the frontlines, keeping the flame of hope and freedom alive. Their courage and devotion will serve as an inspiration to all who follow in their footsteps.

The CDS assured the bereaved families that the military would stand by them during this difficult time. He stated, “To the families who have lost their loved ones, we extend our deepest condolences. The pain and sorrow you feel are immeasurable. Know that you are not alone in your grief. The entire nation and the Armed Forces stand by you and are ready to provide support in every way possible.”

Expressing gratitude to the fallen heroes, the CDS said, “We thank you for your unwavering commitment to duty, your sacrifice, and your love for our nation. We will honor you by continuing to confront those who aim to disrupt our peace and security. Our determination to create a nation worthy of such sacrifices remains unshaken.”

CDS pledges retribution for soldiers’ deaths

In an unwavering statement during his address, the CDS directed all military commanders and troops across the nation to avenge the deaths of their fellow soldiers. He pledged that those responsible for this tragedy would be held accountable for their actions.

He declared, “When you have to lay your own to rest, the pain is immense. I assure the families that their deaths were not in vain. We appreciate their sacrifice. We will ensure that those responsible for this will be held accountable. I take this opportunity to call on all commanders and troops throughout Nigeria that we must seek retribution. Whether these perpetrators are bandits, terrorists, or those who have taken the lives of our soldiers, we will bring them to justice.”

He emphasized that the military would actively pursue bandits, terrorists, and other criminal elements across the nation, vowing, “To the bandits, terrorists, and instigators of violence aiming to spread fear, understand that our determination will remain unwavering. We will track you down and ensure you face justice. We will restore peace and security to every corner of our nation. Your actions may cause suffering, but they will never extinguish our unity and resilience. I assure you, we will not cease our efforts until we apprehend those causing chaos in our country.”

The poignant event concluded with the presentation of the national flag to the fallen soldiers’ next of kin by the CDS and service chiefs.

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