Speed Darlington Scolds Hilda For Choosing to Pose With Mr Macaroni Over Him

Gifted rapper Speed Darlington has criticized well-known chef Hilda Baci for favoring Mr. Macaroni over him.

The Nigerian singer, who is based in the US, shared a photograph of Mr. Macaroni and Hilda together and raised the question of whether it was a pre-wedding picture.

He expressed his anger because Hilda Baci, whom he claims possesses the body features he desires, chose to take a photo with Mr. Macaroni instead of him.

While acknowledging that Mr. Macaroni is a skilled comedian, Speed Darlington believes that he does not offer the same appealing prospects that he does.

He continued by suggesting that due to the geographical proximity of his origin to Calabar, he and Hilda would make a more suitable couple.

In his own words:

“Hilda must be influenced by something to take a photo with Mr. Macaroni instead of me because Igbo and Calabar cultures are closer to each other than the Yoruba culture.” – Speed Darlington criticized Hilda Baci for posing with Mr. Macaroni.

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