Kano Woman Drags Boyfriend To Court For Dumping Her After Spending N900k On Him

A distraught woman has taken legal action against her boyfriend, Hassan Umar, in a Kano Magistrates’ court, alleging that he abruptly ended their relationship after she had expended N900,000 on him.

During the court proceedings, the woman’s attorney asserted that the defendant had professed his love for his client and made a commitment to marry her. However, once the substantial sum of money was spent on him, Umar terminated the relationship and ceased his visits.

Upon the defendant’s plea of not guilty to the charges, which were presented in court, Magistrate Salisu Hussaini instructed both parties to present their respective witnesses during the upcoming adjourned session.

After the court session, the woman addressed the press, expressing her feelings about the situation:

“I am beginning to doubt whether he used some sort of charm on me. Whatever he requested, I provided instantly. I cooked a variety of dishes for him, including chicken, meat, and even two rams. I expended over N900,000 on him. Yet, he began to treat me as if I didn’t matter, and eventually, he stopped coming to see me.”

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