Dangote Refinery: Indian Workers Hired Over Nigerians

  • Post category:Business

Despite the availability of Nigerian workers, the company opted to hire 11,000 Indian workers, leaving many Nigerians overlooked.

According to the Sub-Saharan African Skills and Apprenticeship Stakeholders Network, Dangote Refinery’s decision to hire 11,000 trained workers from India instead of young people from Nigeria and other African countries was based on the perception that Nigerian youths lacked the necessary skills for the job. The network emphasized the need for African nations to establish national frameworks for skill certification to facilitate labor migration within the continent. They also highlighted the limited opportunities for skilled laborers to move across African regions due to the lack of recognition for skills acquired in the informal sector. Additionally, the network pointed out the disconnect between trade unions/associations and skill development, as well as the negative social perception of skilled workers. As part of their recommendations for the future, each member country was urged to create its National Skills Qualifications Framework with provisions for the informal sector, and the network planned to collaborate with World Skills to promote competitiveness and talent scouting among African youth. Furthermore, it was mentioned that Kenya would host the next General Assembly in 2024, while Nigeria would be the home of the Network’s Secretariat.

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