Aba Market Gutted By Fire, Goods Worth Millions Destroyed

  • Post category:Business

It is indeed a horrific development that a night fire incident at Powerline Market in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria, has resulted in the destruction of several goods worth millions of naira and cash. The fire reportedly started as smoke in one area of the market around midnight before spreading to other parts.

The exact cause of the fire is yet to be determined, but victims believe that inflammable substances stored in the market might have been responsible for the incident. One affected individual, Agu Igwe, received a phone call from a friend in the night informing him that his shop was on fire. Igwe, visibly upset, shared that his recently restocked shop was completely burnt.

Another trader, who had taken a loan from a local financial organization to purchase goods, expressed his distress over losing everything in the fire. He mentioned that the proceeds from his weekend sales, which were stored in his shop, were also lost in the blaze.

The victims are appealing to the Abia State Government and kind-hearted individuals for financial assistance during this challenging time.

It’s important to note that this account is based on the information provided and may be subject to further investigation by local authorities to determine the cause of the fire and provide support to the affected individuals.

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