“Mark Angel, the skit maker, proudly states, ‘A friend who once ridiculed my skits now serves on my team.'”

“Mark Angel, the well-known skit maker and content creator, shared his journey and how he nearly abandoned comedy due to numerous challenges and discouragement from friends. In a recent interview with Teju Babyface, Mark Angel recounted an incident involving a friend who once ridiculed his pursuit of skit making, questioning if he could support his family with such a venture.

Mark Angel began creating skits in 2013 but didn’t gain significant recognition until 2015. Financial success eluded him until the following year. He explained, ‘I started making skits in 2013, but it wasn’t until 2015 that people began to notice me. I believe my breakthrough came in 2016, which was when I decided to fully commit to comedy.’

He faced moments of doubt and discouragement, particularly due to the negative comments he received. Mark Angel revealed an encounter with a friend named Alloy who worked for Shell Nigeria at the time. Alloy had nearly discouraged him, saying, ‘Mark, you plan to support your family with skits? Is this “foolishness” your way of providing for your family? Walking around with your laptop and camera aimlessly? At least, take a commercial motorcycle!’

During this period, Mark Angel invested all the money he earned into his craft, as paying bloggers was essential for getting ahead in the skit-making industry. He even had a blogger on a monthly payroll, giving them N30,000 each month to promote his skits.

In an unexpected turn of events, Alloy, who once discouraged him, now works for Mark Angel in his construction company. Mark Angel takes pleasure in teasing Alloy about the days when he mocked Mark during his struggling skit-making phase.”

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