Chidinma Ekile expressed her regret for not transitioning to gospel music sooner, saying, “I wish I had embraced gospel music earlier.”

Gospel artist Chidinma Ekile discusses her career journey, transitioning from secular to gospel music, and more in an interview with TOFARATI IGE.

Could you share the inspiration behind your latest single, ‘I recommend Jesus,’ and shed light on the creative process that brought it to fruition?

The inspiration for ‘I recommend Jesus’ stems from my personal experiences and journey with Christ. My transition to a gospel singer has been a beautiful phase of my life. This song allowed me to share and convey what I’ve been experiencing, and I thoroughly enjoyed bringing it to life. In an ever-changing world, Jesus remains the only constant.

How would you assess the reception your song has received since its release?

The response has been truly heartening and incredible. Within just two weeks of being uploaded on YouTube, it garnered over a million views.

What improvements would you like to witness in the gospel music industry?

The gospel music industry has evolved and improved significantly. However, there’s room for enhancement, particularly in nurturing emerging talents and supporting young individuals who aspire to contribute to gospel music. It’s important that we assist them in realizing their aspirations, especially those who are committed to serving God without compromise. This is why I’m enthusiastic about the Gospel Groove Talent Quest organized by EeZee Conceptz.

While the secular music sector has numerous talent search programs leading to the discovery and development of new talents, this doesn’t seem to be as prevalent in gospel music. I’m hoping to witness this change and development within the gospel music realm.

During the initial stages of your career, you emerged victorious in the MTN Project Fame music competition. Drawing from your experience in that realm, what qualities should a gospel artist embody to excel in a talent hunt?

Foremost, a strong spiritual foundation is imperative. While talent is abundant, possessing a spirit-filled nature and good character are paramount.

As a former secular artist, did you ever envision transitioning to gospel music at some point?

The inclination towards gospel music was always within me. I had a longstanding interest in it. Growing up, I became a chorister and engaged with gospel music. While I didn’t know precisely when it would transpire, I had a sense that it was inevitable.

Since this transition took place, how has your journey been?

The journey has been profoundly enriching. At the outset, I held reservations about how it might unfold, but being in this place now, I wouldn’t wish for it any other way. I’ve always recognized myself as a child of covenant, and my talent is essentially meant to glorify God. My aspiration was to serve Him, and I simply awaited the opportune moment, which I believe has arrived.

Were there specific indications that helped you recognize the right timing for this transition?

I held strong personal convictions. I experienced a direct encounter with Jesus. While I had prior knowledge about Him, the encounter transformed into a personal, deeply ingrained experience and conviction.

What reactions did you receive from your family and loved ones when you made the decision to transition to gospel music?

“My family has always been supportive of this decision. They are enthusiastic, and I’ve received unwavering backing from everyone.

Numerous individuals have voiced concerns about the lack of structure in the music industry overall. Could you elaborate on your experience with your record label?

Being signed to EeZee Conceptz, my record label, feels like being part of a family. It extends beyond just a label, and their support has been absolute. I am genuinely content here. EeZee Conceptz exhibits a robust structure in the gospel music space, making it the ideal place for me.

What lessons from your time as a secular artist are aiding your journey in gospel music?

Primarily, the significance of having a solid structure stands out. Establishing a sturdy foundation is an area we’re still entrusting to divine guidance in this segment of the industry.

I also acquired the skill of thriving under pressure. During my secular career, I put in long hours and maintained a focus on achieving excellence.

Having straddled both worlds, what specific actions would foster the development of the gospel music sector, particularly in terms of investments?

Intentional investment and more investors are pivotal. Additional investors will fuel the industry’s growth. Moreover, there’s a need for authentic talents and a heightened understanding of the industry.

Could you describe your creative process?

My creative process is primarily influenced by my personal encounters and experiences. These factors inspire my music and shape how I create them. Ultimately, the Holy Spirit serves as my ultimate source of inspiration.

Some believe that a gospel artist can’t amass as substantial a fan base as they would as a secular artist. What is your response to such opinions?

Having a vast fan base is outweighed by the importance of inner peace. The peace I’ve found since transitioning is invaluable. My satisfaction and tranquility carry more weight. Furthermore, everyone requires God. The world needs Jesus, and my focus is on the souls that need to learn about the love of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. That’s my top priority now.

Do you ever wish you had embraced gospel music earlier?

Certainly, I do wish I had made the switch earlier. If I had started sooner, only God knows where I’d be now. Nevertheless, in the end, everything has worked out for the best and at the right time.

Do you maintain connections with colleagues who continue in secular music?

Absolutely, nothing has changed; there’s no distinction. Our relationships remain amicable. After all, God’s calling is centered on love.

Opinions exist that gospel songs lack the depth they once had. How do you respond to such viewpoints?

Gospel music revolves around conveying the message of Jesus illuminated by the word of God. Gospel music ministers must be grounded in the word of God, as it forms the essence of our songs for the world. Music is merely a medium; the message itself should take precedence, transcending the artistic aspect.

Could you highlight some of your most cherished moments as a gospel artist?

Every instance of fellowship holds a special place in my heart.”

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