African Union (AU) enacts suspension of Niger Republic.

  • Post category:Politics

On Tuesday, the African Union (AU) Commission announced the suspension of Niger from its ranks until the restoration of normal constitutional order in response to the recent military coup.

Furthermore, the AU cautioned its member states against taking any actions that might confer legitimacy on the junta.

This decision to suspend Niger’s AU membership was reached during the AU Commission’s Peace and Security Council meeting, which centered on the situation in the West African country, as stated in an official AU release. The council reaffirmed its strong condemnation of the military coup that transpired on July 26 in Niger, leading to the removal of democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum by a faction of military personnel.

The council also restated its unwavering support for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in its ongoing commitment to reestablish constitutional order through diplomatic means.

The council firmly rejected any external intervention by non-African actors or countries in the continent’s peace and security affairs. Additionally, it discouraged engagements with private military companies on the continent, consistent with the 1977 OAU Convention for the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa. (Note: The OAU was the precursor to the AU.)

The council urged the military in Niger to prioritize the nation’s and its citizens’ best interests above all else. It called for an immediate and unconditional return to the barracks, along with compliance with civilian authorities in accordance with Niger’s constitution.

Furthermore, the council expressed deep concern about the resurgence of military coups, recognizing their detrimental impact on democracy, peace, security, stability, and development across the continent

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