“What have you done with your money?” – Jaiye Kuti criticizes senior colleagues who are begging fans for money.

Jaiye Kuti, a popular Yoruba Nollywood actress, has expressed her disapproval of the recent trend where veteran movie stars are begging fans for financial support and car gifts online.

It was reported that after veteran actress Iya Gbonkan solicited help and received money, car, and house gifts from many Nigerians, other actors like Pariolodo, Lalude, Baba Alapini, and several others followed suit.

However, Jaiye Kuti, who appeared displeased with this trend, criticized her senior colleagues in a video shared online for resorting to begging fans on social media.

She believed that such actions are tarnishing the reputation of the Nollywood community, and she emphasized that it is time for movie stars to put an end to this practice.

Jaiye Kuti stressed that Nollywood is not an industry with a pension system, and actors should be proactive in preparing for their future during their younger and more active years.

She questioned those who beg for money online about how they managed their earnings while their colleagues were investing in their children.

She insinuated that some of these actors may have recklessly squandered their earnings in their youth.

Furthermore, Jaiye Kuti mentioned that it is not mandatory for Nollywood stars to financially assist ailing colleagues, as they can seek support from the Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN).

She expressed, “All the Yoruba actors who come on Instagram to beg should stop tarnishing our image. This profession does not come with a pension, so when you are young and active, you need to plan for the future.

“My success in this profession is because I earn well and I am already preparing for my future. You cannot force your colleagues to give you money when you are sick.

“Why should TAMPAN be involved with an actor’s illness? Someone needs to speak up. While your colleagues were providing for their children, what were you doing with your money?”

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